¶ Annual Report - Development and Instructions
Create annual report instruction package. see http://www.npl.washington.edu/arprep2014
Post annual report package and files on www.npl.washington.edu/ <year>
Create a new drupal node or clone/edit from previous year
Create schedule for submissions. This year (2014) the schedule is as follows:
March 10th - 21st: Article title and publication submission.
Send email prior to March 10th.
Announce in Monday meeting - March 10th.
March 22th - April 11th: article and publication submission.
I instruct all articles and publication list sent via email to me.
I forward publication lists to Victoria.
ARPREP repository
I use cenpa.repositoryhosting.com:
GIT iniitial setup
Setup git project on repositoryhosting.com (could have also used github)
Since this is a private repo, we will be using ssh:// + key to push (could also use http:// + username/password)
Add you public SSH key to repositoryhosting for your profile (e.g. id_rsa.pub)
When you first create a Git repository from the Repository Hosting web interface, it will be empty (and not able to be cloned). To begin using it, you must first create a local Git repository, commit locally to it, and then push your changes to the upstream server.
Create AR directory locally
$mkdir AR2014-build
$cd AR2014-build
$git init
Associate it with the one hosted by Repository Hosting.
git remote add origin https://cenpa.repositoryhosting.com/git/cenpa/ar2104.git
git config remote.origin.push refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master
Create .gitignore to simplify repo push. For example, the .gitignore I created:
#ignore aux
#ignore logs
#ignore .synctex.gz
now ignore the final
build .pdf
Initial commit
git add --all
git commit -am 'initial commit'
Push master to origin (origin is what we named the remote: cenpa.repositoryhosting.com)
Only now that you created the initial commit and pushed, the repo can be cloned
git clone https://cenpa.repositoryhosting.com/git/cenpa/ar2104.git
All words must be lower case - Except first word and acronyms.
If mathtype is used in title - rather than /subsection, /subsecmathbold is used.
Consistent spacing is required.
Labels must be included if the article uses figures.
Author list
Middle initials must be used unless the author doesn't use initials (e.g. C.~Wrede).
Initials must be consistently used in all articles (e.g. If middle initial is used, then all occurances for that author must have middle initial).
Footnotes must be used for all non-CENPA affiliations, departures, arrivals, etc.
List authors alphabetically
If there are multiple authors, only the main author should be underlined.
Multiple author list, include 'and' before last author name.
If only 2 authors, use 'and' without comma
Proofing - Look for numbers in right margin. This indicates a separation of units (e.g. 6 ev)
¶ Annual Report - General schedule and timelinesAsk for titles - Mid March.
Allow 1 week
Ask for articles and publications - One week after titles submission.
Allow 3 weeks
Proofing/Edits (Last 2 weeks April to 1st week of May)
Allow 2 Weeks
To Print (Second week May)
Send publications in bibtec format to Gary Holman
Determine annual report cover possibilities (March-April)