CENPA welcomes gifts to aid in its research and welfare. They allow us to move in new research directions sooner than is possible via the federal grant system, and they make possible recognition and celebration events to honor achievement, to welcome new students and to provide exceptional educational and research opportunities.
Gifts of cash can be made by sending a check made out to “University of Washington” to the Chair, Dept. of Physics, Box 351560, University of Washington, Seattle WA 98195, with a note saying that your preference is that it should be assigned to the “Friends of Physics Fund for the benefit of CENPA.” Donations may also be made by credit card on the UW Foundation website: Donate to Friends of Physics. In that case, please also drop a note to chair@phys.washington.edu to let the Department know that CENPA is your preferred destination for the gift. Gifts made to CENPA through the University of Washington are tax deductible to the extent permitted by IRS regulations.
Gifts of equipment are often of great value to CENPA. Please contact the Director, David Hertzog, or Associate Director, Gary Holman, if you are planning such a gift.
Volunteer effort is another way to help CENPA’s mission. In general, certain skills and commitment are required, and a supervisor within CENPA. Again, please contact the Director or Associate Director.