There is a 3D printer and computer located in room 102, the cave next to the CO₂ laser cutter. It is a TrinityLabs Aluminatus. TrinityLabs no longer exists, but the system uses a standard open-source control board, and there is documentation available at
There is not currently a public stock of filament—anyone wanting to use the printer will have to supply their own (3mm). The nozzle seems to be jamming when PLA is used, but ABS is said to work.
No one currently manages the system, but anyone is welcome to try using it. David Zumwalt and Matt Turner have some experience with it. If someone wants to adopt it and get it running well, they should contact Jerry Seidler's group in Physics. His group has the same machine, which they use almost continuously, and they have made some upgrades to it.
The 3D printer is subject to Student Technology Fee (STF) oversight until spring of 2016. Outside users asking about using it should probably be directed to other systems on campus.