Each office is equipped with a green recycling bin with a small, inserted black waste bin with a lid. The people in each office are expected to empty these bins themselves; custodians will not do this! The bins may be emptied into clearly marked trash ("landfill") and recycling containers are located in the hallways and in the lunchroom. Please separate paper from cans/bottles for recycling.
Collection containers for mixed paper; metal and glass cans and bottles and common, easily recycled plastics; compost; and landfill trash are located in hallways around the building, as well as in the lunch room. Compost containers usually have lids. Non-compostable items, such as plastic bags, plastic carryout containers, and peel-off stickers, should not be mixed with the compost.
Paper towels are compostable. Each trash can has a lidless compost container for easy disposal of paper towels.
CENPA dumpsters are located in the driveway that leads to the loading dock.
The large, open blue and gray dumpsters are for metals ONLY. Do not mix in plastic lathe turnings or milling chips, or any other plastics, with the metals. In the past, recycling drivers have refused to pick up contaminated metal recycling (and garbage drivers have refused to pick up trash containing lots of recyclable metals), which means that CENPA personnel have had to expend great time and effort to sort through the dumpsters.
The large green dumpster is for flattened cardboard boxes. Please do not include packing material or boxes that have not been flattened.
The large, brown-gray dumpster with black lids is the destination for bagged garbage and trash destined for the landfill. This includes plastic clock bezels.
Old batteries may be placed in a green plastic container by the door of the cold lab.
Styrofoam packing peanuts may be deposited in the large plastic bag outside the conference room.