We have three sets of full first-aid kits (including kits with personal protection against bloodborne pathogens, such as masks for mouth-to-mouth CPR) at CENPA. They are available at the following locations:
In addition, every lab space is equipped with a basic first-aid kit that includes band-aids, antiseptics and burn cream. These red-and-white boxes are usually wall-mounted and their location should be shown on the floor plan for that lab space. If your first-aid needs are limited, it's best to use these smaller kits, since the larger ones have a tendency to spill their contents when opened.
UW Environmental Health & Safety periodically offers a course in first aid/CPR, with hands-on practice for the CPR component. The resulting first aid certification is good for two years. You can find the course listing and registration information here. CENPA can subsidize the course fees for a few personnel each year. Talk to Doug Will if you are interested in taking this course.