- Establish that funding is available.
- Check approval stream:
- If this is for a postdoc with the official title of Research Associate, search approval is not required--unless it will be charged to a state budget (in case of a hiring freeze)--and then it would require approval using the Request to Approve Search form. Faculty positions (Research Assistant Professor) require search approval by Academic HR, including the language in the ad. If the postdoc position is to be posted on the UW website, then a requisition is created and the ad/position description must be approved by Academic HR.
- Students who continue at UW after the PhD as postdocs are a special case. Departmental Faculty approval is (in principle) required. Submit request to the Chair (via Alison Alcoba). Executive Committee makes a recommendation, and then it appears on the agenda at the next Faculty Meeting. Appointments less than a year are usually approved by the Chair without further ado. Appointments should be at least 6 months in order for benefits to be included.
- Prepare an ad. It should include:
- Description of position and other relevant info.
- Requires Ph.D. in nuclear or particle physics within the last 4 [or fewer] years, or expectation of a Ph.D. before starting the position. (Note, postdocs cannot begin to be paid without formal evidence of award of PhD.)
- Applicants should submit an application letter, a curriculum vitae and publications, and arrange to have three letters of recommendation, all sent electronically.
- to Prof. xxx (xxx@uw.edu), CENPA, Box 354290, University of Washington, Seattle WA 98195.
- “The University of Washington is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to, among other things, race, religion, color, national origin, sex, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, status as protected veterans, or status as qualified individuals with disabilities.”
- The ad should be placed on the CENPA and Physics websites at least:
- Post ad on the Physics Department website (email ad to Shane DeBolt, sdebolt@uw.edu) who is responsible for Physics web updates, 2/27/12)
- Post ad on the CENPA website (email ad to Gary Holman, holman@uw.edu)
- Print placement in Physics Today is about $1500/mo, in CERN Courier about $3000/mo. Charge placement fees to CP Res Oncam R17 (usually paid via ProCard) after establishing funding availability. There are also bulletin boards of various organizations as follows:
- http://careers.aps.org/rates/
- One 30-day Online Posting in Physics Today: $525
- JLab mailing list: send ad to: Lorelei Chopard lorelei@jlab.org
- free
- https://inspirehep.net/submit?doctype=JOBSUBMIT&act=SBI&comboJOBSUBMIT=JOB
- free
- http://www.hep.anl.gov/ndk/jobs/jobs.htm
- Maury Goodman posts neutrino positions and sends them out by email once a month to a large-distribution mailing list
- free
- http://cerncourier.com/cws/Advertising/Job.do
- A Standard Job Listing gives you:
- One month’s exposure on the ‘Jobs’ homepage
- High visibility: initial homepage exposure
- Inclusion in the weekly Jobs wire
- Academic rates £280 / US $470 / €355 per position, per month.
- Interview top applicant(s). They should give a seminar, talk to relevant people, have lunch with students and postdocs, go to dinner with a few (<6) CENPA folk. Designate a student or postdoc to make arrangements for the lunch and convey impressions of the candidate. For foreign applicants, Skype talks and interviews have been used with some success.
- We can reimburse domestic air travel (includes Canada), up to 2 days’ lodging, meals, local transportation.
- If an offer is to be made, prepare a package for Alison Alcoba. Assemble the application letter, CV, publication list, and three letters of reference into a single PDF. The message to Alison should include:
- Citizenship
- Monthly salary
- Relocation incentive ($3000 is standard)
- Start date (this can be changed later)
- Budget to charge (this can be changed later)
- Contact faculty member, usually prospective supervisor
- Date to which offer remains valid (30 days is standard)
- Check the offer letter carefully. The Chair signs the letter and Alison sends it to the candidate.
- Notify applicants who are no longer being considered as soon as possible. It is a courtesy and they may become our DOE program manager in 10 years.