CENPA seminars typically take place in the conference room. Seminar speakers may be candidates for postdoc jobs or visitors speaking on subjects of interest to the CENPA community. To arrange for a seminar speaker to visit and speak, several steps must be undertaken, as listed below. Some tasks are performed by the host, and some by the seminar chair, presently Pitam Mitra
- HOST: Contact the Seminar Chair (SC) with your proposal and with additional information:
- Will funding be needed? Funding is very limited for this. In any year we have about $5k designated for seminar speakers, candidate visits, and sharing in colloquium speaker costs when appropriate. Additional funds can only come from research grants on a priority basis.
- Provide contact information for the speaker.
- SC: Seminars can be at almost any time, but it is best to:
- Avoid Monday (CENPA business meeting).
- Avoid Wednesday when there are faculty meetings.
- Check the teaching schedule posted outside the front office to find a time when most faculty can attend.
- Be sure the conference room is available. Use the online room reservation function as described under Conference rooms.
- HOST: Arrange travel as soon as the date is confirmed. The speaker usually makes their own arrangements, but CENPA should make the hotel reservation.
- Submit a standard travel request with a note indicating the name of the traveler and reason (seminar).
- We can reimburse domestic airfare (includes Canada), up to 2 nights' lodging, meals at actual cost, taxi to/from airport (rental car ok but discouraged). The speaker must be reimbursed directly (not via the host).
- Ask SC or Ida to reserve lodging – UW gets a special rate. Victoria or Jerry can also help with air travel if needed.
- SC: Ask the speaker for:
- Title (necessary)
- Institutional affiliation (necessary)
- Abstract (nice)
- People he/she would like to meet, places he/she would like to see.
- Contact information: e-mail and/or phone.
- SC: Publicity. Email the info (date, time, location, speaker's name, title, affiliation, and abstract if available):
- to Shane DeBolt for posting on the Physics website and the e-mail listserver;
- to Ida Boeckstiegel for CENPA bulletin boards;
- and to Gary Holman for posting on our CENPA website.
- SC: Reimbursement:
- If reimbursement is needed, the speaker should initiate the reimbursement request. Only the speaker can be reimbursed from the grants for travel expenses. Advise speaker to send e-ticket receipt electronically either to the Host or directly to Ida Boeckstiegel
- . Silver Cloud receipt is not needed, we get that, but other lodging receipts (and rental car receipts) are needed. Receipt is needed for any other cost over $75.
- Budget category is R17.
- HOST: Visit:
- Arrange for pickup/dropoff at Silver Cloud if necessary.
- Arrange for speaker introduction and any necessary AV equipment.
- Set up visitor schedule or make recommendation to SC.
- Set up lunch and dinner.